Building a Custom Cryptocurrency Exchange in 30 Minutes
Posted on June 15, 2023
Cryptocurrency exchanges have become increasingly popular as more people seek to invest in digital assets. Exbita is a white-label exchange script that enables users to build their cryptocurrency exchange. This guide will provide a step-by-step guide on creating a custom cryptocurrency exchange using Exbita white label exchange script in 30 minutes.
Before we begin, there are some prerequisites you need to meet before creating your exchange. You will need to purchase a license from and have the following hardware and software requirements:
Linux Server (Debian/Ubuntu)
Server RAM Minimum >= 8GB, recommended >= 16GB
Server CPU Minimum >= 4, recommended >= 8
Server Disk Space 3GB+
Exbita offers an automatic installation process that allows users to set up their exchange. Here are the steps to follow:
Log in to your server as root.
Download the installation script using the following command: curl -O
Run the installation script using the following command: sudo bash install. sh
Follow the prompts to complete the installation process.
Exbita offers a range of parts that can be customized to meet the user's specific needs. Some of the critical elements of the platform include:
Robust trading engine
User-friendly interface
Robust security parts
Third-party liquidity provider
The Exbita dashboard provides users with various tools to manage their exchange. Users can manage user accounts, deposit and remove funds, and monitor transactions.
Exbita enables users to add any bep20, trc10, trc20, polygon, and erc20 cryptocurrency to their exchange. Users can set up trading pairs, set transaction fees, make stake plans, and more.
Exbita allows users to customize the platform's design and branding to reflect their vision. Users can adjust the color scheme, logo, and overall aesthetics.
Once the exchange is set up, users can launch and market their businesses to attract traders. Exbita offers low costs, quick deployment, and the ability to create a custom exchange that meets the user's needs.
Creating a custom cryptocurrency exchange using the Exbita white label exchange script is easy and can be done in 30 minutes. Exbita offers a range of features that can be customized to meet the user's specific needs, and the app is user-friendly and secure.