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Email Settings

Exbita needs an SMTP server to be able to send system emails. You can get 2 months of free SMTP server from namecheap

After getting your SMTP details, you need to configure it from the admin panel.

You can access the configuration page from the admin panel -> Site settings -> Email menu.

This section is used to store Mail Server settings. All available fields are listed below:

  • Mail Encryption – Encryption to be used while sending mail. TLS or SSL
  • Mail Sender Address – Mail Service Sender Email (e.g. [email protected])
  • Mail Sender Name – Mail Service Sender Name (e.g. Your Exchange Name)
  • Mail Host – Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server (e.g. smtp.your-smtp-server.com)
  • Mail Driver – This should be set to SMTP
  • Mail Password – Mail Service Password
  • Mail Port – Mail Service Port (Generally 465 for SSL, 587 for TLS )
  • Mail Test Address – Your email address that the Health Checker function will send a test email when used
  • Mail Username – Mail Service Username (e.g. [email protected])

Click to save button to store the data.

After saving the information, go to the Health Checker page from the menu and click on the Health Status Check button and confirm Mail System is Online.

Please note: If Mail System is not Online after using the Health Checker, the details you entered are incorrect. To find out the exact error in the settings, go to https://www.gmass.co/smtp-test and enter the exact details you entered in the Email Settings page and make a test. This page will show the error in your SMTP configuration.

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